How I Stay Focus and Driven

Let's be honest setting goals and working towards them does not always work out the way we want. Some of us struggle to stay focus and there's nothing to be ashamed of we all go through spurts of being unmotivated. I found over the years that staying focus and driven requires help and self-motivation as well.

Stop waiting for inspiration. Be your kind of inspiration

Here are some tips on how I stay motivated; share your tips let's help some friends get their grove back. 


I thrive on this because I love the energy that comes with it. I love getting excited after watching an informative video, reading articles, forming meaningful and relative conversations on things I'm working on or building. I'm definitely a visual person who can easily get inspired through things with meaning. I have a few bloggers who definitely inspire me through content or just their lifestyle. How do you absorb inspiration?

Visual Reminders

Depending on the angle of how you look at it visual reminders are great cues to obtaining your goals. They've helped me through so many work-related, personal related, and blogging related avenues.

Visual reminders work best for me because
  • It was one of the first things I saw every morning.
  • It let me know how well I was doing throughout the day.
  • It motivated me to keep on going.

They keep me on track while mentally rewarding myself as I obtain my goals and it feels good especially when you're checking the task of a list. I love seeing and feeling the goals I've built for myself. 

Knowing your strengths

I recently discovered how knowing your strength is important especially when it comes to self-application. Knowing who you are and what you do is vital these days especially when there's so much comparison going on the world.

Two of my core strengths are the ability to develop and learn and they both play hand in hand in staying focus. I have a strong ability to develop ideas while also holding the power to execute those ideas. 

I love learning new ways to keep that movement flowing but I also love learning new ways to make things accessible not just for myself but for you guys too. 

Knowing your weakness

If you're going to know about your strengths then your weak areas are also relevant. Knowing what blocks your strengths from being resilient is important to ensure things work in your favor.

 Now here's why I say knowing your strength and weakness is important you can have the drive to develop and learn but you may not have enough foundation on execution. So yes, execution is a weakness I am working on. I hold a lot of power around execution because I execute well but definitely do not practice enough. 

This is a new discovery of mine and if we're being transparent you should also pay attention to how your weak areas affect your strong ones. 

Ask for help

We all need some help from time to time. Even if it's just brainstorming and putting together concepts on small or large goals. Some of us struggle with communication and being open especially if 'we' want results but don't know how to get there. 

Ask for help, chances are the person you ask or help may hold the strength you need to complete or give you insight on tips on how to get your goals accomplished. These relationships are positives and go both ways you are important to them as they are to you. These relationships can truly take you places you want to see yourself in.  My blogger friends rock, we're oftentimes sharing ideas in the DMS, supporting, collecting insight and useful information to grow our brands. 

-Some of us inspire unknowingly and it's time we bring more bloggers together instead of a competition. 

Unite to ignite. 

Tell your inner critic to take a chill pill 

My inner critic can be draining. The constant feeling of wanting to perfect things and not trusting who I am and what I can do can really trigger my mental health. Meditating has helped my inner critic become compassionate and using a positive inner dialogue transformed how I get things done. 

When my inner critic is being a Debby I definitely tell it to take a chill pill. We need more compassion in our inner opinion to get us to the next level. It can be physical goals, mental, spiritual goals we should have positive dialogue on how we communicate to ourselves while obtaining.

'I can do it. ' 'I'm good enough. '
'If I want to, I can.'
'It doesn't matter if I make a mistake.

I feel like this is a transformative exercise everyone should build on. We need to be more self-compassionate.


All that you are should be praised even if you're not being praised by someone. I praise my self in things I love. I'm not materialistic so I like to praise myself through making a delicious meal, giving me permission to take a break after, self-medicating, I like to toast to me and I like to share what I've achieved.

A pat on the back doesn't always mean shopping. We all praise ourselves differently but praise yourself in the form where you feel connected to you and your happiness. You are your balance so ensure your rewards can also be easily obtained with no backlash. 

I hope these tips were helpful. Let us know 'how do you stay focus and driven?

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